>'inFINITIES' by andré nadal
3 October - 24 October, 2015

French painter André Nadal reunites art and science with incredibly precise monochromic works composed of floating geometric shapes and breathtaking perspectives. Through these fascinating optic constructions, the artist offers in-depth journey into a world of void and shadow - like an imaginary space odissey. His work carries the calm and profoundness of Japanase calligraphy with the modernity of technical blueprints.

Black is the dominant colour in this series of new works. Colour of infinity, mystery and rigor, black is for Andre Nadal the absolute artistic quest. “Monochrome forces to overcome an artistic challenge: from the simplicity provided by one colour as compared to a full palette, an intense density must arise – this is where eventually the contradiction happens...”. With Andre Nadal, black backgrounds are artworks in themselves: with a brush and deep black oil paint, he creates alterations on the canvas resulting in intense patterns simply shaped by light and shadow. With an extremely precise gesture, the artist crosses, weaves and breaks the surface of the canvas to obtain complex matrices and reveal overlapping layers of painting. His oil paintings are actually three-dimensional objects themselves.

This exhibition was open on Saturday 3rd October in the presence of the artist. It can be seen everyday at the gallery until October 24th.


>available artworks: