>beyond the impasse...

25 October - 15 November, 2016

To mark the screening of the movie ‘Calvet’ directed by Dominic Allan at the Royal Academy, >french art studio is delighted to present ‘Beyond the impasse’, a solo show by Jean-Marc Calvet.

Jean-Marc Calvet’s life is an adventure in itself - as improbable as it sounds Jean-Marc has been alternatively a bent cop, an underworld bodyguard, a nightclub impresario, an out-of-control drug addict to name a few. Such extraordinary existence has inspired British director Dominic Allan to portray a deeply touching and genuine documentary of this man’s incredible life. In front of Allan’s camera, Jean-Marc Calvet gives himself away sharing the most intimate as well as extreme moments of his dauntless life and explains how painting has eventually saved his life recounting in a very bold and generous manner this artistic salvation from hitting rock bottom and rising again through paint and brushes.

Looking at Jean-Marc Calvet’s work is a genuine experience of explosive visual art where one dives into his soul, his dreams and his fears.

His paintings typically combine primal graphics with intricate levels of details. The spectator is equally mesmerized by bright colours and abstract expressionism where arise strong and complicated feelings. This primitive graffitis style would be qualified as ‘art brut’, as colour was originally flung on a wall during a cathartic trance, haunted with paranoia and delusions. On closer inspection yet the spectator face a composition executed with skill, patience and almost monastic devotion. Each piece of art speaks for itself in a language that is unique but universal.

At first Calvet painted for survival, now he just paints to make his life better and for emotional stability. And if one day having reached complete contentment in his life he has to wake up with nothing in his head, then he will surely make a powerful painting about it. This is why we love Jean Marc’s art so genuinely!

>Join us for the screening of 'Calvet' at the Royal Academy of Art, on the 24th of october from 7pm : book now

>'Calvet' is now available on VOD : watch now

>Join us for the opening reception on the 25th of october from 6pm : rsvp