>'le cirque de paris' by c champion & pf grimaldi
22 November, 2014 - 5 January, 2015

>french art studio is proud to present a new show ‘le cirque de paris’ showcasing two Parisian artists:

Charlotte Champion and Pierre-Francois Grimaldi

This exhibition is the exciting result of the combination of colorful vintage collages associated with bronze sculptures depicting an imaginary bestiary. Together, they offer us a vision of a poetic world, a reminiscence of our childhood dreams and souvenirs.

Join us for the opening in presence of both artists on Saturday 22 November 2014 from 5pm and discover their latest artworks.  


French sculptor Charlotte Champion has created a surrealistic bestiary featured in an enchanting playground. Full of humour and poetry, her creations are frequently set up in situation of hazardous equilibrium, where the heavy becomes delicate and the stillness becomes movement. Often defying the law of gravity, the artist questions through her work our profound dreams and fears. Her sculptures are astonishingly lively through a combination of gentle movement, texture effects and subtle patina. Assemblages on colorful steel structures enable unusual aerial and playful bronze casts.

Charlotte Champion has been trained at Nicolas Poussin’s workshop in Paris. She has been rewarded over the years with numerous prizes and medals. Her work is presented in many galleries in France, Luxembourg, USA and in the UK with >frenchartstudio since 2008.


Pierre-Francois Grimaldi is an urban archeologist, a collector of lost memories. The ‘Nouveaux Réalistes’ art movement as well as urbanism and architecture have deeply influenced Pierre-Francois Grimaldi over the years in the development of his remarkable artistic identity. The core of his work comes from vintage posters sourced from the Métro and Parisian streets. From this unusual and striking ‘raw material’, the artist recreates abstract and colourful compositions on cardboard, canvas or metal. Amalgamated layers of faded papers, just brought back to life, carry a memory of a bygone age. These poetic compositions are the witness of our urban identity and shared history; they also feature a nostalgic experience of mid 20th century visual design.

Pierre-Francois Grimaldi’s work is presented in various art galleries in France and in the UK by >french art studio since 2012.




>pf grimaldi & charlotte champion
'le cirque de paris' - duo show (2014)